This document – the R2:2013 Standard – establishes responsible recycling (“R2”) practices for the recycling of electronics globally. By certifying to this Standard through an accredited thirdparty Certification Body, electronics recyclers1 can help prospective purchasers of their services (customers) make informed decisions and have increased confidence that used and end-of-life electronic equipment are managed in an environmentally responsible manner, protective of the health and safety of workers and the public, and that all data on all media devices is secure until destroyed. Thus, certification to R2:2013 allows electronics recyclers to highlight their value to customers, employees, their community and the public.

R2:2013 was developed by a multi-stakeholder group – the R2 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) – through an open, transparent, and consensus-based approach in conformance with generally accepted principles for consensus-based standards. The TAC itself consists of representatives from key stakeholder groups, including: recyclers, customers/users of recycling services, regulatory and procurement agencies, manufacturers of electronic equipment, downstream vendors of recyclers, and international trade experts. The process for development of R2:2013 included public comment, response to comments, and an appeals opportunity so that all interested parties had the ability to participate in the revision process. Following completion of this process, R2:2013 was reviewed and adopted by the SERI Board of Directors.

The requirements contained within R2:2013 are comprehensive, covering environmental, health and safety, and data security practices. To further ensure the integrity and strength of the Standard, R2:2013 now requires facilities to obtain certification to one or more generallyaccepted environmental, health and safety management systems

The R2:2013 Standard specifically requires that international trade in used and end-of-life electronics be conducted legally and responsibly. This requirement is made explicit in R2:2013, by requiring compliance (including documentation) with the laws and regulations of all importing, transit, and exporting countries. Further, if a requirement of this document conflicts with an applicable legal requirement, the recycler must adhere to the legal requirement.

All the provisions of this R2:2013 Standard shall be conformed to by R2:2013 electronics recyclers. Whether conformed to directly, or through a contracted third party, the burden of proof resides with the R2:2013 electronics recycler to demonstrate conformity to each requirement. It is acceptable to outsource certain activities and requirements under the Standard to partners or downstream vendors. However, it is the responsibility of the R2:2013 electronics recycler to ensure that these downstream partners and vendors conform to the requirements of the R2:2013 Standard.

The R2:2013 Standard is applicable to all organizations within the recycling chain, regardless of their size or location. R2:2013 certification is specific to a facility, and not to a company. The R2:2013 Standard shall apply to all electronics recycling related activities at a physical address. It may be extended to multiple physical addresses through a multi-site certificate or additional individual certificates. It may also be extended as a multi-site sampling certificate when the management system is shared by multiple locations in accordance with the International Accreditation Forum Mandatory.
Related Document – R2 Code of Practices

The R2 Code of Practices is a supporting document defining the processes used in applying and administering the R2:2013 Standard. It contains requirements designed to facilitate R2:2013 audit consistency, including requirements related to SERI’s oversight of the R2:2013 certification process. Allowances for certain requirements are specifically defined in the R2 Code of Practices. Allowances will only be made where provisions are clearly not applicable to the facility within the recycling chain, and where allowances will not negatively impact the validity of the certification
About SERI

SERI is the non-profit organization established to administer and promote the R2 Standard. It consists of an independent Board of Directors and a staff. In addition, the R2 Technical Advisory Committee is a voluntary group of concerned stakeholders appointed by the SERIBoard and charged with the responsibility for maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the R2 Standard and related guidance. SERI is the authoritative administrator and owner of the R2:2013 Standard. Additional resources and information are available at